Sunday, May 29, 2011


6:00 am start the day at the links

Its a demanding and challenging 3.6 miles, the trick is to get out before the hackers and slicers so you don't get wacked while walking on cart paths.

Have to walk the course until my cart is repaired

Wind up back at the clubhouse patio for coffee and english muffin

Then hike 5 miles up the hill 

Then 5 miles down the hill

Back to the resort to hang out at the jacuzzi while doing laundry

Check my face book page ( I'm so popular )

Walk 1 1/2 miles back up the hill to the clubhouse for 1 Marquita and try pick up rich chicks

Then 1 1/2 miles back down the hill to watch race on my satellite tv
Then finish up with plate of my own special tuna salad

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Awhile back I bought a new pair of hiking shoe's from America's store (Walmart), after a couple of weeks I noticed the right shoe would come untied all the time, no matter how tight I tied it, and only the right shoe, found the answer 

Monday, May 16, 2011


This is turning out to be much more complex than first thought