Thursday, August 30, 2012


okok, I've been stopped (profiled) in Arizona (twice), Texas, New Mexico,  Arkansas, and now Oklahoma,  I meet the text book profile of a dope smuggler or Mexican coyote. White male, older motorhome, traveling alone, middle of the day middle of the week.
Each time after some phony reason for stopping me they ask if its ok to search my motorhome, a couple times they had dogs, they have laid under my home and searched with flash lights.
Of course each time there is nothing to find and I go on my happy way.

Today was the best.
Traveling East on I-40, East of Oklahoma City I saw a highway patrol car going the opposite direction, as soon as it passed I watched it make a u-turn in the dirt center median kicking up dirt and dust, turn on its lights and siren and pull behind me.Of course i pulled over. The officer walked up to the window and asked me to get my lic, registration, and proof of insr and walk to the back of the vehicle, which I did.

He studied my paper work and then asked if I knew why he pulled me over, I said yea, I got a hunch, its like every other time in every other state, I meet the description of a dope or Mexican smuggler. He said no. I pulled you over for an equip violation.  I said oh that's new, whats wrong. He said your missing a valve stem cap on your rear wheel. In the State of Oklahoma its required for all vehicles with 6 or more wheels.

I looked at him to see if he was serious, I expected him to start laughing, he just looked at me. I said that's amazing, that's incredible, you were able to spot that from 200 ft away going the opposite direction at 70 mph. He just looked at me and said well were just trained professionals. I said I guess so.
 Then He said well mister Wood all your paperwork is in order, so that's good, just one more thing, I have a dog with me, do you mind if we just give a quick search of your vehicle, I said no problem. When they finished I asked him a favor, I said could I take a picture so I can show my kids. He let me take a picture of his car but not him or his dog.

Told him I would take care of that valve stem cap asap

And away I went
Bought new cap at the first truck stop.