Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Shortly after crossing the state line going into Virgina (the state for lovers) a state trooper passed me then slowed down pulled behind me and 'lit me up'.
No problem, I pulled over and watched him cautiously walk up the passenger side, looking in the windows as he went. He opened up the passenger door and asked for my driver lic etc. I have paper clipped all my documents together and even high lighted the important info to save time and confusion.
After studying all my papers he asked (as they all do) "do you know why I pulled you over?"
And as I have learned to say i said " I don't have a clue"
He said "radar detectors are illegal in the state of Virgina"
I said " ok, I don't have a radar detector"
As he pointed to Jack he said "what's that"
I said "that's Jack"
He kept looking at it, and said "what's a Jack?"  Note here there are no Jack n the Box's East of the Rockies
I said he's my co-pilot "you know like Tom Hanks and Wilson"
I could see that went right over the stiff mounty hat on his head
Then he pointed to the wire going to Jacks headset, and said "what do the wires go to"
I said "to the stereo, Jack likes to listen to Rush Limbaugh while I'm driving"
He told me wait while he "ran" my lic and tags.
I said no problem," I think they got me on speed dial anyway "
I could see that was WAY over his head
He returned a short while later, told me to have a nice day and suggested that I relocate "my Jack"
As we drove away i reassured Jack THEY WILL NEVER TAKE US ALIVE

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