Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Every highway on the East coast has at least some portion of it that is a toll road, the following is a summary of my tolls to date.

Indiana East West toll Rd  / Chicago                     $17.00
Indiana East West toll Rd  / South Bend                 $ 9.00
Ohio turnpike  /  Toledo                                       $ 6.00
Ohio turnpike  /  Cleveland                                   $11.00
New York state thru way                                     $14.00
Fredrick E Everett Expressway / Concord NH        $11.00
Fredrick E Everett Expressway / Manchester NH    $ 9.00
Concord turnpike / Boston                                    $19.00
Hwy 95 Chester Boyles Bridge                              $24.00
Hwy 95 New Haven bridge                                   $ 4.00
Connecticut turn pike                                           $14.00
Cross Bronx Express way                                    $12.00
New Jersey turnpike  / New Jersey                       $28.50
George Washington bridge                                    $ 9.00
New Jersey turnpike  / Philadelphia                        $14.00
Delaware turnpike                                                $11.00
Baltimore turnpike                                                $ 4.00
Greenbelt Expressway / Washington DC                 $11.00
Arlington bridge  / Washington DC                         $ 9.00

I haven't total it up because I don't want to know.
On the West coast we have emergency call boxes spaced out along the highways, on the East coast they need to put out ATM machines.


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