Friday, September 28, 2012

So there I was cruising down I-20 in Alabama when all of a sudden I saw a alligator laying in the middle of my lane, SH*T, no way to miss it I ran right over it. Then BLAM, one of my rear tires blew out, SOB, I limped off the highway and pulled into the first tire repair shop I saw. If you have ever wondered where those guys from the movie Deliverance went to, their working at a tire shop in Anniston Alabama.
The one guy says to me "looks like you got yourself a gator skin blow out" We get a couple of those every week, hell sometimes we get a couple off the same damn gator"
The other guy looks at my bike and says " are you one of them California bike faggots", " You wear some of them tight pink panties when pedal that thing ?"
I lowered my voice and said "NO I RIDE OFF ROAD" you know in the dirt
After I told them I was going to the races they had me in and out in 20 minutes & $35 with a used tire.

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